

Univex Sprizza 50 Pizza Spinner

Bench model cold system for spinning pizza dough. This machine reproduces the manual dexterity of the pizza- maker as closely as possible by imitating this unequalled delicateness. The original patented micro-rolling system makes the pizza base without heating, simultaneously with the same kind of result as would be obtained by a skilful pizza-maker, without any alteration of the dough


Pizza Spinner 20? – 110/60/1
Bench Model Pizza Spinner
Patented micro rolling system
User adjustable crust thickness
Produces repeatable results
Only cold system pizza spinner on the market – no par baking your dough
Automatic start and stop
Consistency Machine – Made to take your dough ball 85% of the way completed
Recommended ounce per inch (may need to increase dough ball size to reach desired stretch)
Forms natural crust
Keeps air in dough
Not recommended for pies under 17?

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